Register a youth team for Generation Handball

Go to tournament system ProCup to register

NB: You can also do a quick registration below, and we'll complete your ProCup registration for you!
  • Step 1: Go to ProCup (opens new page)
  • Step 2: Select "Register your team" and fill in your information
  • Step 3: Log-in details will be sent to your e-mail address (NB! Please check your trash folder if you do not receive the e-mail immediately)
  • Step 4: Follow the instructions in the e-mail for further log-in

About Generation Handball

Generation Handball is the friendliest handball festival in the world for young handball players in the age of 10 to 20 years.

It's based on a strong handball tournament with A and B playoff. However, Generation Handball offers much more than good handball. We focus on friendship and team spirit through at lot of activities and events based on our three pillars: FUN, FIGHT, FRIENDSHIP. We guarantee that you'll strengthen social cohesion.

We also keep the distances short and the contact personal. Join the amazing Generation Handball atmosphere: become a friendship ambassador as well and get an experience for life.

Best regards from
the Generation Handball organisation

Let us do the work: Quick registration

Let us complete your registration in our tournament system for you ASAP.

U-9 girlsU-9 boysU-11 girlsU-11 boysU-13 girlsU-13 boysU-15 girlsU-15 boysU-17 girlsU-17 boysU-20 girlsU-20 boys

Accommodation packages


Deadline is 1 June
Bank: Nordea
Bank address: Sct. Mathias Gade 68, DK-8800 Viborg
Sort code: 9255
Account no.: 6888735966
IBAN no. DK7820006888735966
Remember reference no. and name of club.

Other accommodation

Payment details

Payment deadline is 1 June. There will be no refund after 25 June in case of cancellation. Invoice(s) will be sent to the e-mail address used for registration.

Bank: Nordea
Bank address: Sct. Mathias Gade 68, DK-8800 Viborg
Sort code: 9255
Account no.: 6888735966
IBAN no. DK7820006888735966
Remember reference no. and name of club.

Please be aware that payment with a foreign credit card or foreign currency at the info desk at the festival will be charged with 3 % of the amount. We are unfortunately not able to accept payment with € 500 notes.

Extra services

We provide a wide range of extra services.


Other extra services


Cool Generation Handball T-shirts from Select can be purchased at the festival site at the Sportigan shop.

Price: 20 EUR/150 DKK.
Number on back at 10 EUR/75 DKK.
Name on back at 10 EUR/75 DKK.

Made from a breathable and light material. Available in blue, black, and purple in the sizes 4/6 years, 6/8 years, 10/12 years, 14/16 years, S, M, L, XL, XXL, and XXXL.

Privacy policy

By registering for a Generation Handball product, you allow Generation Handball to access and keep your private personal information. Generation Handball will not forward your information to a third party.
Generation Handball uses video and photo material from the festival. By registering for the festival, you accept to be in videos, photos etc.